Back to the Basics Market was built on the idea that when we come together as a local community to share, learn, and grow, we can create something truly incredible.

We’re more than a market, we’re a movement.

We believe in our community and the experience, skills and heart that we all have to share with one another. We can’t wait to meet you and learn new things together!

Together we are dreaming a new world into being. We are so excited to collaborate with you on creating the most expansive and beautiful vision possible!

  • We are envisioning a beautiful future where people in the community can come together to share and grow together.

  • We believe in the beautiful and unique offerings of those within our local community. Do you have a skill to share, a product you’d like to offer, or are you interested in becoming a sponsor? Please reach out and someone will be in touch!

  • We are based in the Fingerlakes Region of New York State and would love to see this grow. Would you like to lead a Back to the Basics Market in your neck of the woods? Please reach out and someone will be in touch.

We would love to see you at the next market! Let us know that you’ll make it!